Low Cost Housing Project

Natural disasters – flood, cyclonic tidal/storm surge, land slide, river bank erosion, drought etc. are the main hindrance to the sustainable development of Bangladesh. In recent years, these have caused extra burden for the marginal people of the country jeopardizing country’s economic growth as a whole. Although it is a small country, its culture, disaster types, availability of building materials are diverse and the housing practices in different regions vary widely too. A large number of rural houses are damaged due to disaster on a regular basis and cause economic losses and sufferings to the people. Repetitive constructions of such houses also impart deterioration of the environment as much of the construction materials are obtained locally from surrounding nature and thus sustainable development is also hampered significantly. The past experiences on post-disaster shelter response have emphasized the need for more contextual approaches to develop disaster resilient low-cost rural houses.

Project Scope:

Forum 86 would develop and validate low cost house that is light weight, easily installable and will sustain at least for ten years or more for disaster prone areas in Bangladesh.

Development of the product will include prototyping, testing, manufacturability and production cost estimation. Ultimate goal is to ensure victims of natural disaster get access to these low cost houses and can use them for a prolonged period.


Forum 86 is committed to provide necessary funding and guidance to make this project successful.


Reference Information:

Forum 86 engaged 3D Tech in Bangladesh to perform a survey to collect information on :

1)      What development work has been done so far in this domain?

2)      What products are available in the market that are aligned with the requirements above?


3D Tech provided a survey report (dated April 29, 2018).